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Thursday, June 7, 2012


Thank mak n ayah for this whole 20year ago...
Skrg bermula journey baru untuk ke-21 kalinya...
aku berdoa kalau mimpi aku pada sabtu y lepas cuma sekadar mimpi dan mainan tidur...
Ya Allah kau berkatilah kedua ibu bapa aku yang bersusah payah mendidik aku selama ini...
rahmati la kehidupan mereka...

this is the song that someone had sent to me for my 19th besday...
mlm neh aku still play it for myself..
thank friends for all the wish...
Ampa semua penyeri hidup aku...



Hari/Malam neh aku rindu nenek aku..
semoga nenek sejahtera di alam sana...
walaupun dah byk tahun nenek aku pergi...
walaupun sekejap ja aku smpat bersama dgn nenek byk y aku belajar...



Age is a journey that grow old,
making an experience and being matured...
sometime look like it gains the number but actually it decreasing.

Age make us forget the past,
sometimes we will forget the yesterday,
but somehow tomorrow will always remains us what just happens today is related to yesterday...


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