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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Counting 1 to 10 (1,2,3,4,5,bla,bla,bla....)

Salam Lebaran...
Maaf zahir batin...walaupun agak lewat tapi masih syawal jadi moh ler kita beraya di blog bersama-sama...heehehe...Raya dah masuk raya kesepuluh...semua adik kakak dah pakat pulang ke destinasi ilmu masing-masing...rumah dah mula kurang riuh rendah bunyinya....mak dah mula gulung tikar-tikar dia...aku dah mula bukak buku RPH aku semula sbb esok dah sekolah...fuhfuh...ckp pasal sekolah ja rasa penat some picture of our simple eid celebration... celebrated with family and friends..
 raya pertama ^_^

 kedua ~_6

ketiga 6-6
after that dah xdak gmbar...sibuk g rumah terbuka....kak pun sibuk nak balik KL...lepak2 shopping dgn cousin ja...Kami buddies... kami #takkanTERPISAH

.so after counting 1 to 10 days of celebration then i had to go to school...Practicum was the hardest thing to hunted me all days and nights....holidays had come to the end...sobsob....
 yeah...ready to school tomorrow...
p/s: gmbar dgn cousin xdak.. T_T semua dlm phone dia...xsempat ambik...nnt jumpa lagi cuti-cuti balik sini lepak lg u dear...^_^

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