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Saturday, October 15, 2011

When they do this ....

Isi tempat kosong dgn jawapan masing-masing...hahahaha.....

When they do this .....


jwapan aku untuk final exam ini ialah......

When they do this they look bored enough with their life.....
what are they were doing???
It such a boring day....

When u just being all day talking about others....

When u are pretending like an innocent person....

When u always 
toward others purity life...

then the conclusion is....
may be
 U should learn how to appreciating your life...

p/s: Orang y sering salahkan org lain sbnarnya dia cuba membela dirinya sendiri y sebenarnya bersalah
p/ss: Human being is not such a perfect, but once you try to be perfect you might hurt your fate...
p/sss: entry neh mcm mintak musuh ja...hahahaa...bkn nak mintak musuh nak bg pendapat....I'm not an innocent person who's life like 'lalang'...

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