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Thursday, October 20, 2011


Mungkin HOBInya...
mungkin juga PERANGAINYA...
Mungkinkah itu AKSINYA...

Bagaimana KESANNYA??
Bagaimana pula MANGSANYA??
Bagaimanakah reaksi PENONTON/PENDENGARNYA??

Korang bley agak tak berdasarkan gmbar atas neh???
I'm here just to alert u to beware....
Once u being the victim it hurt deeply inside and sometimes it probably go insane....
And sometimes eyes goes wrong when we judge a human by it mouth...
judging is a specific work that need all sides to be argue...
So don't ever u judge us just using your unbalance listener ears... 
the fact will turn to the mitosis depends on several factor...
the most factor are you was hibernating with the appearance...
'Manis Mulut BERKATA...Cair Semua JEJAKA'

If you were falling for the word that had been said...
so you look dumb enough...
Then be great intelligent with your judgement...
Don't underestimate the Truth...

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